You have 2 options to hide collections:

  1. Hide a single collection in the Shopify admin

  2. Hide a lot of collections or a single collection in Rapid Search admin

#1 - Hide single collection in the Shopify admin

  1. Navigate hereShopify admin > Products > Collections
  2. Open the single collection you want to hide
  3. Click on "More action" and choose the "Hide collection from search"
  4. You are ready. The selected collection will be hidden in 60 seconds.

#2 - Hide a lot of collections or single collection in Rapid Search admin

  1. Navigate hereShopify admin > Apps > Rapid Search > Settings > Advanced
  2. Click on this button: "Select collections to hide"
  3. Select collections you want to hide and click the "Select" button
  4. You are ready. The selected collections will be hidden in 60 seconds.

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