Comparing the number of searches in the Rapid Search admin with the number of searches in Google Analytics for the same period, there is a difference that can be noted between the two numbers.
The reason for the difference is that Google Analytics does not track searches the same way as Rapid Search does in the following cases:
1. Rapid Search tracks abandoned searches and Google Analytics does not: when the user starts using the search bar, but they do not complete the search, meaning they neither click Enter, nor do they choose from any of the Popular suggestions, Relevant categories or Page suggestions of the drop-down search box.
2. Rapid Search and Google Analytics track searches differently:
a. when the user clicks on any of the product suggestions of the drop-down search box.
b. when the user types one search term, the drop-down search box provides the search suggestions and product suggestions, the user presses Enter and even switches between the pages on the Rapid Search result page would give different numbers in Google Analytics and Rapid Search statistics.
In Google Analytics the same search would be counted as 1 search.
3. Rapid Search tracks searches result page searches and Google Analytics does not: when the user modifies the search term on the search results page, the URL changes but the search results page does not get reloaded. Hence Google Analytics does not get the new URL and search term so it will not be tracked there, only in the Rapid Search statistics.
Please note: A click to a product from the search results page is not considered as a new search (neither in Google Analytics nor in Rapid Search statistics). It does not load the Rapid Search search results page so it is not counted as a search.