Rapid Search can help you to show your currently "Out of Stock" products as "Pre-Order" products in your search. 

To add Pre-Order Badges to your products please kindly follow these steps:

1. First,  Add the "rs-preorder" tag to the products where you want the "Pre-order" badge to show in the Shopify admin.

2. Disable continued selling of out-stock products, this setting can also  be found here:

3. Write us an email HERE, that you have products where you want the "Pre-Order" badge to show. 

(We need to do some magic) 

4. Please wait for our confirmation that we have everything set.

5. After we confirmed the changes please go to your Rapid Search admin >> Settings >> Advanced >> and then press Manual sync.

Note, that it might take up to 15 minutes for the synchronization to conclude

If you followed the steps above correctly and the sync is completed now you have "Pre-Order" badges on the desired products.

In case it does not seem to work then please, contact our kind support HERE.