The Result page lists all search results when a visitor, having typed a search term, either chooses a popular suggestion from the search box or presses Enter.

By default, search results are listed on the Rapid Search result page. The Rapid Search Admin > Settings > Result page menu is where you find all settings for the result page as well as the button to disable and reenable it. You may get more information about each setting by hovering your mouse over the small information icon.

While the Rapid Search Result page is enabled, it will replace your theme's original design with the Rapid Search design that includes the Rapid Search filters. In case this is enabled, but you are still not seeing the Rapid Search design, it may be overwritten by another third-party application or the settings of a custom theme. Please contact our customer service team to get the issue sorted out.

Please note that the settings in the Settings > Result page menu will affect the design for both your Rapid Search Result page and the Rapid Search collection pages if both are enabled.

With the settings in this menu, you may refine the outlook of your result page (and collection page, if it is enabled too). 

Under General Settings, choosing a Pagination type sets how your visitors load more products: by clicking the Show more button, scrolling through numbered pages, or by infinite loadingInfinite loading means that the page keeps loading as you scroll down; there are three scrolls, and after that, you need to scroll further manually.

At Product card alignment you may change the look of the product cards by defining if the product information is aligned to the left or to the center of each product card.

By default, our result page displays 3 products per row and 4 rows per page. In the Layout section, you may change this by dragging the selector circle on the line and setting a maximum of 5 Products per row and a maximum of 10 Rows per page.

At Product fields order you may choose what information is displayed in each product card, (i.e. you would like to see SKUs or vendors displayed) by turning the relevant toggle ON or OFF. Drag any product field row by clicking on it with your mouse and moving it up or down whilst still holding it to change the order of the related product information in the product card.

Filters shown on your Result Page can be customized in the Rapid Search Admin > Settings > Filters menu. (Please consult our article on Filters for more information.)